The Gunnison Outdoor Resources Protection (GORP) Act is based directly on the recommendations of the Gunnison Public Lands Initiative (GPLI), a coalition of ten local organizations working together on a vision for the future of public lands in Gunnison County. These stakeholders represent ranching, water resources, summer motorized use, winter motorized use, conservation, mountain biking, hunting, and angling.
The goal of the coalition is to protect local public lands, enhance a strong and sustainable economy, and support historic uses of public lands in Gunnison County.
To accomplish this goal, the GPLI stakeholders seek to see legislation enacted that enjoys broad support, is technically sound, and truly represents community values and consensus.
The GPLI coalition organizations and members include:
The coalition is guided by the following principles:
Appropriate balance between recreational, wildlife, ecological, economic, cultural, scientific, wilderness, and scenic values of public lands;
Support for a strong, sustainable economy in Gunnison County;
Respect for historic uses of public lands;
Use of the best available science and all relevant information;
Desire to find workable solutions for all interests.